Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well, it was in the 50's this afternoon, so we had a family walk around the garden.  Not much movement, what with snow, cold rain, and temps in the 30's the last few days.  But my daughter and husband both put up with my monologue of exactly how many millimeters things have grown since I last looked things over. 

These cold temps are certainly keeping the daffodils looking nice, which is quite a contrast to last year when we had such high temps in April that daffodils only lasted about 2 days.  The hyacinth are looking beautiful but it's too cold to sit outside and enjoy the scent.  This is going to be one of the springs where by the time we get out of the 40's, it'll be time for the 80's.


1 comment:

  1. We haven't had snow, thankfully, but it's certainly been cold and rainy. I would love to get outside and plant, but I guess I should be thankful for all the rain after such a dry summer and fall last year. You're right that the daffodils and tulips are enjoying these cooler temperatures, even if we aren't.

    Thanks for the tips on the Michael Pollan books; I've heard so many good things about them, that I really should check one of them out.
