Sunday, September 22, 2024

More Planting

With some additional rain in the forecast for today, I needed to get the 10 plants I had on hand in the ground yesterday. It was a nice cool morning for it, but the digging was really hard! Most of these plants went into the outer edge of the Dragon bed, where I pulled up landscaping fabric this spring. The dirt here is still so awful! I added quite a bit of compost with each plant.

Because I double-ordered hoary vervain, I put these two plants in the area behind the dragon head where I had removed some of the Baby Joe pye weed. That was easy digging, because I'd dug it up previously, and it has been mulched for several years. 

All the rest was like digging in dry cement, even after that 3/4" of rain. I actually dragged the hose around and watered the holes I dug for everything else, before putting the compost down and the plants in.

Behind and to the west of the baptisia, I put in the two amsonia plants. Behind and to the east of the baptisia I added the two obedient plants. 

The two heart-leaved asters went a few feet east of the armillary compass. 

Finally, after resting, I got the two black cohash on the west side of the hydrangea. I'm a bit confused on that, because I think I ordered one goat's beard and one black cohash, but I'm positive the two plants are both black cohash --they have the same leaves. But I'm fine with both being black cohash for now.

It has rained all day today, but it's only added up to 1/2". The next few days are sunny again, so I'll have to run the soaker hoses in a day or so. And I do still have Blue Fortune agastache, and two groundcover sedums arriving in mid-October. Plus the bulbs :-)


1 comment:

  1. You've been busy! Isn't it great to get some rain after weeks without it? I think we got about 2.5 inches! The garden is very happy now, and so am I since I don't have to spend so much time watering things. Baptisia, Amsonia, Asters...sounds lovely. :)
