Friday, August 23, 2024

Picked a beet!

I picked a beet today! Given how neglected they've been, I'm surprised to even get one. The nasturtiums have really taken over the Vego bed, and they look so pretty I don't want to pull them to plant beets. I think next spring I will plant beets around the edges of the raised beds. I need to try to work in some compost this fall, so they are ready. 

I also picked one of the poblano peppers yesterday, for Rob to use in his stuffed potato meal. I ate a bit of it, and it tasted good. I have 5 or 6 that look good right now. I'd really like to make stuffed peppers with them.

I'm still needing to water. We've only gotten 1" of rain in August so far. I really under-watered the hydrangea, but I think I've corrected that now. We've also had some nights down to 50F, and the Purple tomato fruits are looking weirdly blotchy. It's going to warm up again this weekend, and I'm hoping more tomatoes will ripen. Over all we've had a really cool August. It's been delightful weather.

I moved the hostas from the north bed and placed them at the base of the clethra. I hope they'll be okay there --they will definitely get some afternoon sun. But I suppose if they start to burn, I can move them again. 

I received and planted the blue baptisia (false indigo), fairly close to the dragon's head. And the new pink clematis came back! I'm very happy about that. I'll need to protect both clematis from earwigs in the spring, and give them more fertilizer. Actually, I think I need to give everything more fertilizer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love False Indigo! I hope you'll get more rain. We're having a cool August, too...until the next few days in the high 80s and low 90s. Don't work too hard. ;-)
