Sunday, September 1, 2024

Elderberry Plants

I had received the three elderberry plants from Prairie Moon Nursery (in 3" pots) a few days ago, and today I got them in the ground. They are planted along the chain-link fenced dog run that we use as storage. I caged them so the rabbits won't eat them.

This area gets morning sun, and the soil seemed really nice. There is also a seed stalk from the hollyhock plant that I'm hoping will give me some flowers in a year or so, as the shrubs grow. I also bought wild cucumber seeds to plant there this fall, and if they work they'll climb the fence. I may try some morning glory next spring too. I still need to mulch and fertilize tomorrow, but I ran out of steam this evening.

I also finally got the floppy brown-eyed Susan out of the ground. I soaked the ground and then was able to do it with just a trowel. It's so nice to have that done. I think I'm going to fill that space with a few new sedums (there is already an Autumn Joy there), and then add some groundcover sedums as well. It's a very hot spot with so much afternoon sun. There is prairie dropseed grass and the hollyhock behind, closer to the house. I need to improve the soil and put a layer of mulch on it for winter. 

I brought the fern in for the season --it's getting down to 48 tonight, and we have some predicted low 40s coming up. 

I also did some watering and fertilizing. There is more to do tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. We're getting colder at night, too--not quite that cold, but 50s. I do the same thing with cages for some plants...darn rabbits! Good luck with the new plants and the garden projects. :)
