Friday, September 13, 2024

Early Fall Editing

This coming week, Tyler is going to redo the deck walk and landing pad to and around the water spigot on the SW corner of the house. I've been working on some stuff in order to get plants out of his way, and just doing some normal fall editing.

This morning was a great morning in the garden. We're in one of our more and more common "flash droughts", so many mornings are cool and not humid, and the mosquitoes have disappeared for now. While I get tired of the watering, I'm grateful for the lack of mosquitoes.

I needed to move some Autumn Joy sedum so it won't get stomped on during the decking project. So I put the hose there on a dribble in order to soften the ground. It was two nice clumps, which would have needed separating soon anyway, so win-win. They are now in pots with some compost to keep till I can replant them in the same area. 

I also have some oriental lily bulbs in that west bed, in front of the prairie dropseed grass and hollyhock. I dug out the shorter ones (again, after soaking the ground). They're so dang deep, it's hard to do with a trowel. These are the yellow set. I removed the oregano in the raised bed, added some compost and planted the bulbs in that location.

I also removed the purple coneflower from the northernmost raised bed, since we've agreed that it would be nice for that bed to have only shorter plants so we can see to the other two beds. I got that transplanted to the back of the dragon bed, where the soil was literally as hard as cement from the lack of water. I do use a soaker hose in that bed, but it goes just along the current plants, so other areas are dry, dry, dry!

I dug out the rest of the iris around the AC unit. Some of them I've put in a pot with some moist compost so I can replant them when Tyler is finished. A few others I've planted around where the mock orange shrub roots are. I used roundup in that area earlier to try to kill back the tree seedlings and the remaining mock orange. It seems to be working, but we still can't mow there because of the stumps. I figure maybe I can just make that an iris bed --it gets more sun since that limb was removed from the silver maple, and the soil is very sandy, so well-drained. Rob has talked about burning out those stumps, and if he gets to that it's fine, but if not then we'll have some iris there.

I still need to cut back the aster that's by the southernmost raised bed before Tyler starts, and I'd like to cut back the dead branches in the mock orange area.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Elderberry Plants

I had received the three elderberry plants from Prairie Moon Nursery (in 3" pots) a few days ago, and today I got them in the ground. They are planted along the chain-link fenced dog run that we use as storage. I caged them so the rabbits won't eat them.

This area gets morning sun, and the soil seemed really nice. There is also a seed stalk from the hollyhock plant that I'm hoping will give me some flowers in a year or so, as the shrubs grow. I also bought wild cucumber seeds to plant there this fall, and if they work they'll climb the fence. I may try some morning glory next spring too. I still need to mulch and fertilize tomorrow, but I ran out of steam this evening.

I also finally got the floppy brown-eyed Susan out of the ground. I soaked the ground and then was able to do it with just a trowel. It's so nice to have that done. I think I'm going to fill that space with a few new sedums (there is already an Autumn Joy there), and then add some groundcover sedums as well. It's a very hot spot with so much afternoon sun. There is prairie dropseed grass and the hollyhock behind, closer to the house. I need to improve the soil and put a layer of mulch on it for winter. 

I brought the fern in for the season --it's getting down to 48 tonight, and we have some predicted low 40s coming up. 

I also did some watering and fertilizing. There is more to do tomorrow.